New Baby Gift Guide
The gorgeous radiance of fresh flowers make the perfect gift for proud parents celebrating the birth of a new baby.
We have designed traditional arrangements to celebrate each sex of the new child. Our baby girl arrangements feature bright pink flowers mixed with the good luck charm of fresh lavender and other purple hues. For the new boy, deep blue flowers bring a charisma only a child could match.
Fresh flowers combined with a collectable planter or sophisticated vase designed with a new child in mind, or even an adorable stuffed animal, will add a precious memento or cuddly friend that will decorate the nursery and be a long lasting reminder of your attention to the new birth. And don’t forget to select one of our charming toy wagons or a mylar balloon inscribed with a delightful birth message that will help the proud parents announce the birth of their child. These gifts, when combined with the radiance of fresh flowers, make for an excellent and unforgettable gift to celebrate this most exciting of events.
With so much attention being directed at the new child, don’t forget to lavish some special attention on the new parents. A fresh rose bouquet for the new mother in her favorite color will be a strong reminder of your undying attention to her in all her different roles. You might also consider a gift basket full of delicious snacks which will definitely come in handy in the next few weeks. Whether its fresh flowers, a fruit basket or healthy plant, it is guaranteed to bring some light and beauty into their recently expanded household.
Teleflora's Just Ducky Bouquet - Boy
A bright yellow ceramic duck vase is so fun and joyful that you can practically hear it quacking hearty congratulations. Inside the cheerful duck vase are beautifully placed fresh flowers and a lovely ribbon. Together, this creative flower arrangement welcomes the new baby with merry gladness. As the child grows up, the whimsical duck vase can be used as a container for crayons, coins, or jewelry. Welcome in a beautiful baby with our unique and charming duck vase arrangement.
More Details Teleflora's Just Ducky Bouquet - Boy
Teleflora's Crystal Baby Block - Girl
The first thing that catches your eye on this gorgeous fresh flower arrangement are the tall, slender, and beautiful snapdragons bursting up over a foot into the air. The bright purple tulips, deep greens, and silky pink roses of this arrangement are beautiful and luminous. Its sophisticated design seems appropriate for a wide-range of joyful occasions. A second look, however, reveals a crystal baby block clearly marking the occasion of this gift. The bright pink crystal cube vase makes a clear statement of congratulations on the newborn baby. An event as special as a new child deserves a fresh flower arrangement this special and unique.
More Details Teleflora's Crystal Baby Block - Girl
Teleflora's Baby's First Wagon - Boy
Celebrate the arrival of a new little boy by presenting him with his very first red wagon. This timeless symbol of carefree youth is stuffed full of roses, carnations, and chrysanthemums to form a fresh flower arrangement that appeals to adult tastes as well. Our bright red wagon measures nearly one foot wide by one foot high, so it is sure to make a lasting impression. No one can match the creativity and expertise of our floral craftsmen, and this adorable arrangement for newborn boys is an example of our dedication to perfection.
More Details Teleflora's Baby's First Wagon - Boy