Delivery Location Information
If your order is being delivered to a Business, Hospital or Funeral Home, please include the name of the location in the recipient’s address lines above & please also include any important delivery information for the location. Here are a few examples of information that is helpful for the most common delivery locations:
Recipient first & last name
Delivery address
City & state
If you have additional information such as zip code or phone number please include this as well, but it is generally not necessary to complete your delivery
Recipient first & last name
Business name
Business address
City & State
If you have additional information such as department, floor #, suite #, zip code or phone number please include this as well, but it is generally not necessary to complete your delivery
Patient first & last name
Hospital name
City & State
If you have additional information such as the hospital address, room #, zip code or phone number please include this as well, but it is generally not necessary to complete your delivery
Funeral Home
Deceased first & last name
Funeral home name
City & State
If you have additional information such as the funeral home address, zip code or phone number please include this as well, but it is generally not necessary to complete your delivery
Deceased first & last name
Church name
City & State
If you have additional information such as the church address, zip code or phone number please include this as well, but it is generally not necessary to complete your delivery.