Birthday Lilies The Pure Inspiration bouquet is an absolutely perfect birthday present. This stunning arrangement will add luminous brilliance to a birthday table, a birthday desk, or anywhere else it is placed. The clear glass vase sets the elegant tone, but it is the combination of Asiatic lilies, seeded eucalyptus, and yellow roses Read More
If the thrill of opening up a colorfully wrapped birthday present excites you, then the Rosy Birthday Present is the ideal way for you to send a lily for birthday gift. This bright, cheery arrangement captures the excitement of a wonderful present being unwrapped. A multicolored gift box proclaiming happy birthday is playfully decorated with birthday ribbon, but the real fireworks happen when we combine birthday lilies with fresh roses and chrysanthemums. This amazing arrangement is sure to bring a long, lasting smile to the birthday party.
The Paradise Found arrangement combines class and elegance with a zenlike meditative calm. Exotic Birds of Paradise juxtapose vertical minimalism with a brilliant splash of unexpected color and style. Brilliant Asiatic lilies bring more deep, rich color and texture to the arrangement. These flowers work together to create a sophisticated take on the birthday present.