Birthday Tulips The Dutch Delight arrangement is a simple but intense collection of the very essence that makes birthday tulips so wonderful. The green cylindrical stem of each tulip is one-of-a-kind, and the simple elegance of this clear glass vase highlights their beauty. The brilliant yellow and deep red blossoms pack a powerful punch of color so rich and fantastic that even in the dark, our eyes feel their radiant hues. This two-tone arrangement is regal enough to be fit for a king.
Read More The green cylindrical vase of the New Sensations arrangement is created when our expert florists wrap a broad green leaf around a clear glass vase. This stunning technique adds a richness and versatility to this amazing arrangement. Layered with orchids, lavender and pink roses, hydrangeas, and brilliant birthday tulips, this might be our most upscale arrangement available. These gorgeous and exotic flowers combine so beautifully together to create a masterpiece, a birthday present that will be truly unforgettable. If you are looking to make a strong statement when you send tulips for birthday presents, consider the New Sensations arrangement.