Teleflora's Favorite Things
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This beautiful bouquet is created from some of our favorite pink and purple things – roses, mixed blossoms and a striking glass vase in a matching shade of pink, decorated with pink and purple ribbons. Send this glamorous gift to someone special. It’s sur
A mix of fresh flowers such as roses, miniature carnations, chrysanthemums and asters – in shades of pink and lavender – is arranged in a Teleflora rectangular pink glass vase, decorated with hot pink and purple satin ribbons.
The As Shown version of this product is Approximately: 12" W x 9" H, if you upgrade to the Deluxe version the designer will create a larger more full version for you.
I just wanted to say this was my first time using you and the experience was great. My niece received her flowers the same day I ordered them and she absolutely loved them. So thank you for making her day and being easy to deal with!!
Thank you very much for the great transaction! My sisters were both delighted with the flowers - they said they were beautiful! I appreciate the fact that they were there when I needed them to be there. great job!