Teleflora's Victorian Teacup Bouquet
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Send comfort to the recently bereaved with this sweet sympathy flower arrangement. This charming, old-fashioned bouquet features pink roses in a floral teacup.
Cream roses, pink spray roses, miniature pink carnations and delicate pink limonium are presented in a teacup and saucer with a Victorian flower pattern.
Approx. Size: 8" W x 8 1/2" H
Thank you so much for excellent service:) my daughter was very surprised and absolutely impressed with your arrangement :) thanks for making her birthday a hit:))
Although I have not seen this arrangement in person, I have been told by the recipient that they are beautiful! This is the second time I ordered this particular arrangement for my stepmother's birthday and she loves it. Thank you for prompt delivery. I'm a last minute person and, fortunately for me, this means of gift giving is PERFECT! :)