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Teleflora's Gift of Grace Bouquet


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Item Description & Details
SKU: T264-1B
Elegantly understated, this stunning array of white roses and lilies in a stylish silver scalloped design bowl is an eloquent way to convey your love and support.
The elegant bouquet includes white roses, white spray roses, white asiatic lilies, white stock and queen anne’s lace, accented with assorted greenery. Delivered in a silver scalloped design bowl.
The As Shown version of this product is Approximately: 17" W x 15" H, if you upgrade to the Deluxe version the designer will create a larger more full version for you.
Delivery / Substitution Policy
If the exact flowers or container you have selected are not available we will create a beautiful bouquet with the freshest available flowers. We will only substitute items of equal or higher value.
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