- A Dozen Lavender Roses$62.96$69.95Sale
- Love and Devotion$118.76$131.95Sale
- A Dozen Pale Peach Roses$78.26$86.95Sale
- Always Yours by Teleflora$67.46$74.95Sale
- 12 Yellow Roses$62.06$68.95Sale
- Teleflora's Love Forever$67.46$74.95Sale
- White Roses$82.76$91.95Sale
Rose Delivery
If you are looking to send roses to express your romantic interests, consider the powerful and intriguing Fabulous Flirt Arrangement. This sophisticated, yet playful arrangement is artistically designed to make your intentions come to life in a firework display of beauty. Multicolored roses are layered in order to create a gorgeous and exciting statement. The clear glass vase offers a sophisticated counterpoint, and the oversized bow wraps it all up into an irresistible gift.
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