Pink Roses Teacup Bouquet
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When these lovely pink and lavender flowers with matching teacup and saucer arrive, that special someone will soon be on their way to better health.
Alstroemeria, asters and roses arrive arranged in a floral teacup with matching saucer.
The As Shown version of this product is Approximately: 7" W x 8" H, if you upgrade to the Deluxe version the designer will create a larger more full version for you.
I purchased the Deluxe version of this teacup for Mother's Day 2012. I was super impressed by how smooth the delivery and timing was, especially being delivered to a school. However, I hit the "No Substitutions" button on checkout and was a little disappointed to see the local florist change the arrangement slightly. The bouquet came out all white and pink. No lavender and no asters. There was one blank spot in the bouquet and the roses were all FULL bloom so they will die shortly. The bouquet was still cute however, just not delivered as advertised on the site.
Excellent! I send flowers all the time...