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Teleflora's Sacred Cross Bouquet


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Item Description & Details
SKU: T263-2B
Fragrant white lilies in a glass vase inside a silver sleeve adorned with a cross – a beautiful and meaningful way to honor the memory of a loved one.
The exquisite bouquet features seven stems of white asiatic lilies, accented with assorted greenery. Delivered in glass vase inside a silver-toned sleeve adorned with a cut-out cross.
Approx. Size: 18" W x 21 1/2" H
Delivery / Substitution Policy
If the exact flowers or container you have selected are not available we will create a beautiful bouquet with the freshest available flowers. We will only substitute items of equal or higher value.
4.35 (6+ Reviews)
Great service and she loved her flowers.
Thank you very much. The flowers were indeed beautiful.
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