Teleflora's Radiant Reflections Bouquet
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Hurray for pink! Celebrate your sweet one with this sentimental bouquet - a delightfully pink mix of pink and white blooms presented in a keepsake Pink Reflections vase she'll cherish always.
Pink carnations, white button chrysanthemums and million star gypsophila are accented with fresh greens. Delivered in a Pink Reflections vase.
Approx. Size: 13 1/2" W x 17" H
Thanks for quick delivery of my order . I saw in the picture of the recipient what is exactly shown from the selections of your samples . I’m impressed! I thank you!
This is my first time ever purchasing flowers and having them delivered. I give them a 5 star because the arrangement was beautiful and looked better in person. My friend was extremely happy and satisfied with her surprise and thats all that matters. However, I think maybe a time for delivery should be provided since I was left wondering whether or not the flowers had been delivered. They were delivered at around 8:00 pm, which is okay.. but I would have appreciated a notice that the flowers would be delivered between certain hours. Overall, the flowers were beautiful and I will most definitely order again! Thank you!!! :)