Precious Traditions Bouquet by Teleflora
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This lovely winter bouquet features red carnations and white cushion spray chrysanthemums arranged in our festive gold scalloped design bowl.
Red carnations and white cushion spray chrysanthemums are accented by douglas fir and red berry spray. Delivered in Teleflora's gold scalloped design bowl.
Approx. Size: 13 1/2" W x 12" H
A little disappointed in the arrangement that was delivered. It was delivered in a clear glass block vase which took away from the overall look. Also, no pinecones included. Just some red berries and green thigs that look like capers.
I want to tell you how much I appreciate your fine quality of a business. My Aunt and Uncle were very, very Pleased with their flowers. I am tickled and Pleased myself to know you are a quality flower shop.